Winter came and the sun became less active.
In the summer and autumn,
the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun is especially harmful.
Ultraviolet is great, but if you overdo it,
the skin can become dry, peeling, itching,
dermatitis and even pustular inflammation will appear.
Special skin care in winter
1) In winter, more careful skin care is needed,
it is better to use a soft and more active peeling 1-2 times a week,
depending on the degree of dryness of the skin.
2) If there are symptoms of herpes or
other viral pustular diseases on the face,
then refrain from peeling and in no case massage these areas,
otherwise you risk spreading the infection further.
3) before the onset of frost, you can use moisturizers.
They restore the epidermis, nourish the skin
with necessary moisture and it looks young and fresh.
For a drier skin a fat cream is used,
for a dry one a light composition is suitable.
If you feel tightness, itching and there is redness –
these are signs of dehydration of the skin.
4) In winter, especially during severe frosts,
it is advisable to use nourishing creams,
so as not to provoke the formation of wrinkles.
5) Useful material for masks are vegetables and fruits.
These are old recipes of beauty,
they do not become obsolete with time.
However, be careful with the use of exotic fruits,
an allergic reaction is not excluded.
6) Another favorite of many women is a wrap mask (gommage),
it is suitable for those who have especially sensitive skin.
These masks contain glycolic and hyaluronic acids,
which help retain moisture and make the skin soft, tender and elastic.
7) Apply the cream on the face and hands should be
at least 40 minutes before leaving the room! Otherwise,
you expose your skin to an extremely harsh “contrast soul”,
and the benefits of using protective creams will disappear.
Features of the restoration of the facial skin in the cold season.
Facial skin care in the winter is unthinkable
without special cosmetics (this applies to both women and men).
After the summer, it is advisable to clean the face
with at least a month with mineral water.
Cosmetics should be chosen carefully and
only by a dermatologist or estheticians
otherwise you can hurt yourself.
The morning regime begins with cleansing,
but at this time there should be no alcoholic tonics.
In the winter you should use protecting,
nourishing or regenerating creams.
It is advisable to use a cream with UV protection,
since its harm in the winter does not decrease!
Contact us with any questions,
I hope we can help you!
Salon de Kai 代表 甲斐めぐみ